Mini Review

Soft Tissue Considerations Around Dental Implants - A Review

Uike S*, Gattani D and Borkar P
Branemark and co-workers introduced the replacement of missing teeth by implants and its osseointegration. As soft tissue can shelter the underlying osseous structures the osseointegration surrounding the implant body....

Review Article

Torquing Auxiliaries - A Review

Chakraborty P*, Mathur P, Mahajan S and Tandon R
Torque is the third key of the occlusion, described by Andrews as the inclination of the dental crown antero-posteriorly in the anterior teeth and traversal in the posterior teeth. Torque is the force that gives the operator control over them movements of roots of teeth. In this article we will be discussing about the historical perspective of using torque incorporation in different system,...

Case Report

Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma of the Mandible with Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors: A Case Report

Moore C, James J*, Kurago Z, Chawla D and Patel PK
Chondroblastic osteosarcoma is a rare craniofacial malignancy. The purpose of this report is to relate a rare case of chondroblastic osteosarcoma in a 52-year old African American female with genetic and environmental risk factors with an emphasis on clinical, radiographic and histopathologic presentation and management of the tumor. The patient presented with a painful mass in the mandible. Medical history was significant for invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast treated with...
