Current Edition...

Volume - 1

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Do Not Miss a Hidden “Volcano” & Remember “DCO”

Agarwal S* and Roy B
The case highlights a hidden serious injury of volcanic proportions, which was missed on the very first observation of the external obvious injury & its successful management with the concept of Damage Control Orthopaedics (DCO). A 42 year old alcoholic male patient sustained injuries following fall from height. He had lacerated wounds, with pain and swelling...

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Extensive Diffuse Tubular Sequestrum Involving Humerus - Can It Be a Novel “Bamboo Sequestrum”?

Agarwal S*
The radiological definition of a bony sequestrum refers to an image of calcification within a lucent lesion, completely separated from the surrounding bone and without referring to the histological nature and vascular status of the calcified tissue. Various types of sequestrum have...

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“Marbled or Ivory Pelvis”- A Potentially Ominous Novel Radiographic Sign

Agarwal S*
We all know that bones undergo continuous remodeling during the life, where both bone deposition and bone resorption is taking place. However, due to some diseases this normal process can get disturbed leading to either predominance of bone deposition manifesting as increased bone density, the causes of which may vary depending on whether the patient falls in pediatric or adult...
