Aim and Scope...


Journal of Depression and Anxiety Forecast to enhance the free scientific knowledge to the worldwide readers and unlimited free access to the readers. Journal considers research manuscripts, review manuscripts, editorials, commentaries, opinion pieces, case studies, case reports, clinical images, letters and perspectives. Editorials, perspectives and opinions are submitted by authors and editorial board members on topics pertaining to psychiatry. Journal content will be published on a continuous publication model.

Journal of Depression and Anxiety Forecast manuscripts undergo double blinded peer-review process where each manuscript undergoes evaluation by our editors, if appropriate, is reviewed by a minimum of three independent reviewers. The average time between submission and final decision is 15-25 days and the average time between acceptance and publication is 10-15 days. We publish manuscripts in HTML, PDF and XML format and all articles published by journal are freely accessible to everyone immediately after publication.


SF Journal of Depression and Anxiety scope covers in all areas related to psychiatry aspects such as Anxiety Medication Anxiety Sensitivity Arousal Avoidant Personality Disorder Beck Depression Inventory Bipolar Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder Catastrophization Children's Depression Inventory Counterphobic Attitude Depression Depressive Mood Disorders Dysthymia Evolutionary Psychology Feelings Life Events Major Depressive Episode Mathematical Anxiety Melancholia Non-Psychiatric Illnesses Panic Attack Paranoia Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Psychiatric Syndromes Relaxation Technique Sadness Seasonal Affective Disorder Social Anxiety Somatic Anxiety Somatic Complaints Stage Fright Stranger Anxiety Test Anxiety Traumatizing Events Upset