Research Article

Palmaris Longus: Self-Identification and through Dissection

Loreto B. Feril*, Ogawa K, Yutaka I, Endo H, Tsutsui Y and Tachibana K
Using 8 methods, 337 medical students were asked to examine and to self-identify the presence ofthe palmaris longus muscle in each of their own arm. On the other hand, during anatomy dissection a total of 174 cadaver arms were examined for palmaris longus muscle. This study covers the schoolyears 2015 to 2017. The result showed that 97% of the arms of the students and that of the cadavershave the palmaris...

Research Article

Changes of Brain Anatomy affects Abnormalities in Brain

Kumar SB*
The brain carries out cognitive learning and processing different types of information processes. Types of information processes are performed by different anatomical structures. The structure of,brain anatomy changes due to the effect of diseases related to brain. Accurate identification of brain abnormalities as tumor, stroke and hemorrhage lesions is the critical task in planning appropriate therapy. CAD...


An Anatomical Feature of Caecilian Amphibians: The Lengthening of the Body and Organs

Exbrayat JM*
Lengthening of body and organs is widely observed among the animal kingdom. Besides the lengthening of some invertebrates such as worms (Platyhelminthes or flatworms, Nemathelminths still called nematodes or roundworms, Annelids), Arthropods (Myriapoda) [1], lengthening is also observed among the Vertebrates...

Research Article

A Case Report Study of Axillary Artery Variation in Iranian Female Cadaver

Ghantabpour T, Ebrahimzade M, Alidadi M, Khanlari P, Mohammadi M, Shayan M, Mehrania K and Rastegar T*
During routine dissection of an approximately 50-year-old female cadaver for training the Master students of the Anatomical Sciences at school medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, we came across a variation in branching pattern of right axillary artery...

Clinical Image

Twin Renal Arteries

Tsoucalas G* and Panagouli E
Approximately 25% upto 30% of the adult kidneys have two to four renal arteries, which usually arise from the aorta. In a donated male cadaveric specimen, 72 years of age during his death, we have discovered a double renal artery in the left kidney....

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